23/4/24 online μαθημα απο επισκέπτη ερευνητή
- Δευτέρα 22 Απριλίου 2024 - 12:00 π.μ. -

Το  μάθημα  23/4/24 12:15 -14:15  θα γίνει διαδικτυακά απο το Δρ Στυλιανό Καραγιάννη, θα μας κάνει διάλξεη με τίτλο 

 " Cybersecurity Essentials and Management in the Energy Sector" 

Περιγραφή (Short): A comprehensive overview of the critical importance of cybersecurity within the energy industry. We will present the fundamental cybersecurity principles and strategies specifically to address the unique challenges faced by energy sector.

  • Foundational Knowledge and Taxonomy of Energy Cybersecurity
  • Energy Sector Threats and Vulnerabilities
  • Secure Architecture Design and Implementation for Energy Systems

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Dr. Stylianos Karagiannis obtained his PhD from the Department of Informatics at the Ionian University in 2022, following an M.Sc. in Computer Science and Information Systems from the same institution in 2017. Since 2019, he has been actively involved as a researcher working for PDM in EU Horizon research projects, in the cybersecurity scientific domain. His areas of specialization include Security Architecture, Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges, Threat Intelligence, Red/Blue/Purple Teaming, Adversary Emulation, and Threat Hunting. Currently, his postdoctoral research is focused on the integration of Cyber Ranges, Digital Twins, and Artificial Intelligence to enhance the educational process in cybersecurity.