select * from city limit 10; select * from country limit 10; select * from countrylanguage limit 10; select * from city where name like 'B%' order by population desc limit 10; select count(distinct district) from city where name like 'B%'; select sum(population) from city where name like 'B%'; select countrycode, sum(population) as total_pop from city group by countrycode order by countrycode; select countrycode, avg(population) as avg_pop from city group by countrycode order by avg_pop desc; select, avg(city.population) as avg_pop from city INNER JOIN country ON city.countrycode = country.code group by order by avg_pop desc; select * from city INNER JOIN country ON city.countrycode = country.code where continent = 'Europe' and city.population > 3000000; -- select pop_a.sum, pop_an.sum, cast(pop_a.sum as float)/pop_an.sum as res select * from (select sum(population) as sum_a from country where name like 'A%') as pop_a, (select sum(population) as sum_an from country where name like 'An%') as pop_an -- Hands-on (Examples) -- 1. Sum countries’ population, where the first letter is ‘A’ select sum(population) from city where name like 'A%'; -- 2. Sum countries’ population and percentage (An/A), where the first letter is ‘A’ or ‘An’ select A.pop_a, B.pop_an, cast(B.pop_an as float)/cast(A.pop_a as float) from ( select sum(population) as pop_a from country where name like 'A%' ) as A, ( select sum(population) as pop_an from country where name like 'An%' ) as B; -- 3. Cities & countries (name), belonging to ‘Asia’ & city’s population is higher that 4000000 people select * from city inner join country on city.countrycode = country.code where country.continent = 'Asia' and city.population > 4000000; -- Alternative solution... select * from city INNER JOIN country ON city.countrycode = country.code where continent = 'Asia' and city.population > 4000000 order by city.population desc; -- 4. Cities & countries (name), belonging to ‘Asia’ & (optionally) city’s population is higher that 4000000 people select * from city INNER JOIN country ON city.countrycode = country.code where continent = 'Asia' or city.population > 4000000 order by city.population desc; -- Is it right though? select * from ( select * from country where continent = 'Asia' ) as country_asia LEFT OUTER JOIN ( select * from city where population > 4000000 ) as city_4m on country_asia.code = city_4m.countrycode; -- 5. Country (code), city (name) & language, having percentage greater than 50% & population is higher than 4000000 people select cl_50pct.language, country.code, from city inner join ( select countrycode, language from countrylanguage where percentage > 50 ) as cl_50pct on city.countrycode = cl_50pct.countrycode inner join country on cl_50pct.countrycode = country.code where city.population > 4000000; -- Alternative (better) solution select cl_50pct.countrycode,, cl_50pct.language from ( select * from countrylanguage where percentage > 50 ) as cl_50pct NATURAL JOIN city where city.population > 4000000; -- 6. Country (name) and language (percentage, official) having the maximum percentage and the language is official select * from (select countrycode, max(percentage) from countrylanguage where isofficial=true group by countrycode) as lang_maxpct inner join country on lang_maxpct.countrycode = country.code; select * from ( select countrycode, max(percentage) as max_pct from countrylanguage where isofficial=true group by countrycode ) as cl_pct_max inner join countrylanguage on cl_pct_max.countrycode = countrylanguage.countrycode where countrylanguage.percentage = cl_pct_max.max_pct -- 7. Country & city (names) as well as language, sorted by country’s code select,, countrylanguage.language from country INNER JOIN city ON country.code = city.countrycode INNER JOIN countrylanguage ON country.code = countrylanguage.countrycode order by country.code asc;