Γενικοί σύνδεσμοι |
VrmlPad "VrmlPad is a professional editor for VRML programming. Key time-saving features include powerful editorial abilities and visual support for the scene tree and resource operations." | Introduction to Computer Graphics, Foley et al, 1994 Το βιβλίο "Introduction to Computer Graphics", των James D. Foley, Richard L. Phillips, John F. Hughes, Andries van Dam και Steven K. Feiner, 1994, στο Amazon.com. | Cortona3D Viewer "Cortona3D is a fast and highly interactive 3D viewer." | VRML97 specification The VRML97 specification by the Web3D Consortium. | X3D and Related Specifications All specifications by the Web3D Consortium (download links also available). | Ιστότοπος για το βιβλίο "Εικονικοί Κόσμοι" Στον ιστότοπο αυτό θα βρείτε την αρχική έκδοση του βιβλίου "Εικονικοί Κόσμοι" (Σ. Βοσινάκης, 2015) καθώς και σημαντικό συνοδευτικό υλικό. | Web3D Consortium "The Web3D Consortium was formed to provide a forum for the creation of open standards for Web3D specifications, and to accelerate the worldwide demand for products based on these standards through the sponsorship of market and user education programs." | Second Life Wiki "The Second Life Wiki ... is a collaboration between Linden Lab and Second Life Residents to provide help and information about Second Life." | LSL Portal "LSL (Linden Scripting Language) is the scripting language that gives behavior to Second Life primitives, objects, and avatars." |